new suburban homes with newly planted landscaping

Motivated Seller Leads

Get motivated seller leads emailed directly to your inbox.

No commitments. Only pay for leads you get. No fees afterwards.

Simply Choose Which Package Suits You Best

Starter Pack

5 Motivated Seller Leads

  • Get 5 Motivated Seller Leads sent directly to your inbox as soon as they click “submit”
  • Renews after the 4th lead so that you never have any down time
  • No contracts
  • MLS listed and non seller leads will be refunded

Gold Package

10 Motivated Seller Leads

  • Get 10 Motivated Seller Leads sent directly to your inbox as soon as they click “submit”
  • Renews after the 9th lead so that you never have any down time
  • No contracts
  • MLS listed and non seller leads will be refunded
  • Save 25% off of Starter Package

Platinum Package

20 Motivated Seller Leads

  • Get 20 Motivated Seller Leads sent directly to your inbox as soon as they click “submit”
  • Renews after the 19th lead so that you never have any down time
  • No contracts
  • MLS listed and non seller leads will be refunded
  • Save 25% off of Starter Package
  • Secure your market

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